
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
ESH: Holly M - 31 Years
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Holly M from Ann Arbour Michigan got sober in 1954, she tells her story at the at 35th Kentucky AA Convention held in February of 1985. Holly was a very popular speaker back in her time and I have many speaks by her.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available and many podcast players only list the last 100. Visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
ESH: Anders L from Copenhagen Denmark
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Anders L is from from Copenhagen Denmark and he got sober in 1998, he is telling his story at the Spiritual Awakenings group in Bernardsville New Jersey in 2008.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available and many podcast players only list the last 100. Visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Friday Dec 24, 2021
ESH: Bedushia a Yupik Eskimo (20 Years)
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Bedushia has been sober for 20 years and is a Yupik Eskimo from (now) San Diego telling her story at the Southern California Speakers Meeting held in San Diego California this meeting was conducted in February of 2013.
Christmas Alkathons List: https://sobercast.com/online-meetings/alkathons-xmas
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Multiple Speakers: Bruce M then Jerry S (NSFW)
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Bruce M opens this meeting as the 10 min speaker telling an abbreviated version of his story, he is followed by Jerry S as the main speaker at the SNL Friday Night Speaker Meeting held in San Jose California in 1983. (NSFW)
Christmas Alkathons List: https://sobercast.com/online-meetings/alkathons-xmas
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Karen R Author of the Big Book Story: Crossing the River of Denial
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Karen R from Las Vegas NV is the author of the story in the 4th edition of the big book called "Crossing the River of Denial" telling her story at the Monday Night Speakers Meeting held somewhere in Florida in 2009
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Monday Dec 20, 2021
ESH: Kathy D - Went out at 13 years sober
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Kathy D from Atlanta Georgia tells her story at the 5th Tradition Group in Atlanta Georgia in March of 2013.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
ESH: Eric H (13 Years)
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Eric H from Thornhill Ontario Canada got sober in 1993, he is speaking at the XXXIII Gopher State Roundup held in Bloomington Minnesota in May of 2006.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
ESH: Joe McQ - That guy from all those Big Book workshops telling his story
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Joe McQ sober in 1962 is from Little Rock Arkansas and is the Joe half of all those Joe and Charlie Big Book workshops that have been massively popular (and still are) over the years. This time instead of leading a workshop he is telling his personal story of coming into AA, this was recorded in 1986 at an unknown event.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Multiple Speakers: Mark then Mary (NSFW)
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Mark is the opening 10 min speaker, he tells an abbreviated version of his story getting to AA. Next we have Mary telling her story for the balance of the time both are speaking at the North Oakland Open speaker meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous held every Saturday in Oakland California, this meeting was held in January of 2017. NSFW
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Monday Dec 13, 2021
ESH: Glen B (30 Years)
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Glen B got sober in 1986, he tells his story at the Primary Purpose group in 2016. And NO the story he told at the end of his speak did not make me tear up a bit in gratitude.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.