
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Topic: Gay in AA - Being a Part of AA as a Whole
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Four Speakers sharing on the topic of Lesbians-Gays in AA-Being a Part of AA as a Whole, from the AA International 2015 held in Atlanta Georgia.
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Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Event List: https://scast.us/event
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Barry L sober in 1945 speaking about the origin of the 3rd tradition (LGBTQ)
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Barry L sober in 1945, speaking about the origin of the 3rd tradition at the 50th World Conference in Montreal in July 1985. He was the first openly gay member of AA.
Tradition 3 - The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.
Barry passed away 3 weeks after this speak.
Barry is the author of the book Living Sober and was a great friend of Bill W and his wife Lois.
In 1978 Lois gave the original manuscript of the big book to Barry, and in 1979 Barry signed a notarized letter gifting the manuscript to A.A. World Services. In exchange, he asked only to be able to keep it in his possession until his death.
Somewhere between 1979 and Barry's death in 1985, everyone at A.A. World Services apparently forgot about this arrangement. The whereabouts of the manuscript remained unknown until it reappeared at an auction house in 2004, sold by a “Joseph B.” for $1.5 million. It was auctioned again in 2007 to Alabama resident Ken Roberts for $992,000. A few months later, according to court documents, A.A. World Services rediscovered Barry's notarized letter.
In 2018 the manuscript was once again auctioned off, this time for $2.4 million.
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Event List: https://scast.us/event
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Workshop: People of Color - LGBTQ
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
The People of Color Workshop at the 43rd Western Living Sober LGBTQ Roundup in 2018. Norma opens this meeting, she is celebrating her 21st sobriety birthday that day. Raymond is the second speaker with 10 months sober. Erica is next she has been sober for just under a year.
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Event List: https://scast.us/event
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2700+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Lias M is telling her story at the 2024 Sobriety Under the Sun Convention held in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. LGBTQ NSFW
I just added 1 new event to the event list.
The 35th Annual 35th Annual Mackinac Island Fall Weekend Oct 6-9. Details: https://scast.us/mac
Coming up this month: The Washington State Conference for Young People in AA - WSCYPAA VII. In Tacoma WA. July 26-28. Details: https://scast.us/wscypaa7
The 32nd Annual Fellowship of Spirit Conference in Estes Park Colarado July 25-28. Details: https://scast.us/fotsco
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/event
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2600+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Panel Meeting: LGBTQ - Multiple Speakers - YPAA
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
This is an LGBTQ panel meeting led by Ted R, Gina B and Tom J at the 53rd ICYPAA YPAA convention held on Saturday September 3 2011 in San Francisco California. Repost from Aug 2021.
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/event
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2600+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Grady OH tells her story at the Intergroup Speaker Meeting held in Fresno California sometime in 1979. Grady has long been one of those speakers I always enjoy and there are a few more speaks by her on the podcast if you would like to hear more from her. Really good quality recording for 1979. Repost from early 2023. LGBT NSFW
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/event
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Removed at speaker request
If you are in the PNW toward the end of July I just added a Young Peoples Conference (WSCYPAA VII) taking place in Tacoma WA. If you have never been to a Young Peoples event (your age does not matter) the energy and passion of the participants never fails to impress. I spoke to someone involved in it last night and based on how enthusiastic he was this will be no exception. Details: https://scast.us/wscypaa7
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Topic: The Lack of Power Dilemma
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Monique R from Bradley Beach New Jersey leads this meeting on the topic of The Lack of Power Dilemma at the Magical Mystery Tour zoom meeting held in the UK in September of 2022.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2400+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
ESH: Spencer P - LGBTQ (Funny)
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Spencer P is telling his story at an unknown Roundup, I think this was recorded around 2016. Spencer has a spiritual message and he delivers it with a great humor. LGBTQ.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2400+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Multiple Speakers: Laura (1 Year) and Krylon - LGBTQ
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Laura who just celebrated 1 Year opens the meeting as the 10 min speaker. She is followed by Krylon (sober in 2004) who tells his story for the balance of the time. This is a meeting of the North Oakland AA Open speaker meeting held in Oakland California and its one from 2021, during the pandemic so its a zoom this time.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Events: I just added an event to the list happening at the Jackpot Ranch in Verde Arizona and it looks to be a very fun one at the end of October. Details here https://scast.us/verd
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2300+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com