Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
This is part five of a five part workshop led by Charlie P along with his wife Katie and also Chris R, they are presenting a workshop on Taking a Newcomer Through the Steps, from the perspective of doing it with a sense of urgency. They do some Q&A at the end of the session, the questions were impossible to hear, I have removed all the dead space and they do a very good job of repeating the question before answering.
This was recorded at the London Ontario Primary Purpose Group in Canada in 2014, someone had emailed me asking about a slightly later version of this workshop, that reminded me I had this on my list to use...so here it is.
The event itself is 8 recordings not 5, the first three are the speakers each telling their stories for about 40 min. I am going to combine those speaks into one episode and upload that the day after the actual workshop concludes, in reality the workshop opened with those.
If you are anywhere near Atlanta Georgia on the weekend of 3/22 the Atlanta Mens Workshop is taking place, its a twice a year event going since 1982. Details: https://scast.us/amw
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/event (link fixed)
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/event
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
This is part four of a five part workshop led by Charlie P along with his wife Katie and also Chris R, they are presenting a workshop on Taking a Newcomer Through the Steps, from the perspective of doing it with a sense of urgency. They do some Q&A at the end of the session and the questions were impossible to hear, I have removed all the dead space and they do a very good job of repeating the question before answering.
This was recorded at the London Ontario Primary Purpose Group in Canada in 2014, someone had emailed me asking about a slightly later version of this workshop, that reminded me I had this on my list to use...so here it is.
The event itself is 8 recordings not 5, the first three are the speakers each telling their stories for about 40 min. I am going to combine those speaks into one episode and upload that the day after the actual workshop concludes, in reality the workshop opened with those.
If you are anywhere near Atlanta Georgia on the weekend of 3/22 the Atlanta Mens Workshop is taking place, its a twice a year event going since 1982. Details: https://scast.us/amw
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/event (link fixed)
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/event
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
This is part three of a five part workshop led by Charlie P along with his wife Katie and also Chris R, they are presenting a workshop on Taking a Newcomer Through the Steps, from the perspective of doing it with a sense of urgency. They do some Q&A at the end of the session and the questions were impossible to hear, I have removed all the dead space and they do a very good job of repeating the question before answering.
This was recorded at the London Ontario Primary Purpose Group in Canada in 2014, someone had emailed me asking about a slightly later version of this workshop, that reminded me I had this on my list to use...so here it is.
The event itself is 8 recordings not 5, the first three are the speakers each telling their stories for about 40 min. I am going to combine those speaks into one episode and upload that the day after the actual workshop concludes, in reality the workshop opened with those.
If you are anywhere near Atlanta Georgia on the weekend of 3/22 the Atlanta Mens Workshop is taking place, its a twice a year event going since 1982. Details: https://scast.us/amw
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events (link fixed)
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
This is part two of a five part workshop led by Charlie P along with his wife Katie and also Chris R, they are presenting a workshop on Taking a Newcomer Through the Steps, from the perspective of doing it with a sense of urgency. They do some Q&A at the end of the session and the questions were impossible to hear, I have removed all the dead space and they do a very good job of repeating the question before answering.
This was recorded at the London Ontario Primary Purpose Group in Canada in 2014, someone had emailed me asking about a slightly later version of this workshop, that reminded me I had this on my list to use...so here it is.
The event itself is 8 recordings not 5, the first three are the speakers each telling their stories for about 40 min. I am going to combine those speaks into one episode and upload that the day after the actual workshop concludes, in reality the workshop opened with those.
If you are anywhere near Atlanta Georgia on the weekend of 3/22 the Atlanta Mens Workshop is taking place, its a twice a year event going since 1982. Details: https://scast.us/amw
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events (link fixed)
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
This is part one of a five part workshop led by Charlie P along with his wife Katie and also Chris R, they are presenting a workshop on Taking a Newcomer Through the Steps, from the perspective of doing it with a sense of urgency.
This was recorded at the London Ontario Primary Purpose Group in Canada in 2014, someone had emailed me asking about a slightly later version of this workshop, that reminded me I had this on my list to use...so here it is.
The event itself is 8 recordings not 5, the first three are the speakers each telling their stories for about 40 min. I am going to combine those speaks into one episode and upload that the day after the actual workshop concludes, in reality the workshop opened with those.
If you are anywhere near Atlanta Georgia on the weekend of 3/22 the Atlanta Mens Workshop is taking place, its a twice a year event going since 1982. Details: https://scast.us/amw
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Al-Anon: Donna
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Donna is telling some of her Al-Anon story at the 14th Annual Fellowship of the Spirit Conference held in Queens New York in 2013. NSFW
If you are in the PNW toward the end of July I just added a Young Peoples Conference (WSCYPAA VII) taking place in Tacoma WA. If you have never been to a Young Peoples event (your age does not matter) the energy and passion of the participants never fails to impress. I spoke to someone involved in it last night and based on how enthusiastic he was this will be no exception. Details: https://scast.us/wscypaa7
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Multiple Speakers: Neil and Connie
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Neil is the 10 minute opening speaker telling some of his story, then Connie is sharing her story for the next 30 min or so. This is a meeting from the North Oakland AA Open speaker meeting held in February of 2018.
I just added the Crested Butte Montana Conference to the events list, this is a 5 day event and it sells out every year. Details: https://scast.us/cb
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Multiple Speakers: Sarah (2 Years) and Roni (31 Years) NSFW
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Sarah (2 years) opens the meeting as the 10 min speaker at this North Oakland AA Open speaker meeting recorded in June of 2017. Roni (31 years) is the speaker for the remaining meeting time. NSFW
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Workshop: Joe and Charlie Big Book - Part 8 of 8 (2003)
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
This is a very late version of the Joe and Charlie Big Book workshops recorded in 2003, the audio quality is excellent. If you have never heard a J & C workshop I would encourage you to give it a listen, there is a lot here. There is also a 4th step worksheet to accompany it, if you would like a copy you can download it from google drive here: https://scast.us/jc4th
This is part 8 of 8, it jumps right in from the end of yesterdays post.
Joe McQ and Charlie P met in 1973, they instantly discovered their mutual fascinations with AA's Big Book. The study they met for regularly became something they presented at meetings, eventually becoming this workshop.
At the AA International Convention in New Orleans in 1980, Wesley P, organized a lunch for 1,500 AA members from all over the world and gave away 100 Joe & Charlie workshop tape sets as door prizes. Invitations exploded, and within a couple of years Joe & Charlie were presenting about 36 seminars a year worldwide.
The forum is about half way set up and I should have it live sometime next week, I will post the url as soon as its done.
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Workshop: Joe and Charlie Big Book - Part 5 of 8 (2003)
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
This is a very late version of the Joe and Charlie Big Book workshops recorded in 2003, the audio quality is excellent. If you have never heard a J & C workshop I would encourage you to give it a listen, there is a lot here. There is also a 4th step worksheet to accompany it, if you would like a copy you can download it from google drive here: https://scast.us/jc4th
This is part 5 of 8, it jumps right in from the end of yesterdays post.
Joe McQ and Charlie P met in 1973, they instantly discovered their mutual fascinations with AA's Big Book. The study they met for regularly became something they presented at meetings, eventually becoming this workshop.
At the AA International Convention in New Orleans in 1980, Wesley P, organized a lunch for 1,500 AA members from all over the world and gave away 100 Joe & Charlie workshop tape sets as door prizes. Invitations exploded, and within a couple of years Joe & Charlie were presenting about 36 seminars a year worldwide.
The forum is about half way set up and I should have it live sometime next week, I will post the url as soon as its done.
If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. https://scast.us/events
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box.
Sober Cast has 2500+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com