
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Topic: On Awakening
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
This is a call up meeting at the 3rd Annual Columbia River Young Peoples Roundup from September of 1978. The topic of the meeting is On Awakening and has a number of folks in the audience coming up and sharing on the topic. If you have any recordings of young peoples events you are willing to share please email me, I feel like this is one area my speaker resources are a bit weak.
About once a year I get an email asking me why in the podcast opening do I say that this "Is a podcast for men". I just got another and thought I might try to put this to rest, I am NOT saying that, I am saying "In a podcast format". When I listen to it nothing about it sounds like Im saying "for men" rather than "format" but apparently some of you hear "for men" I assure you the word is format!
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
AA Event:
The Flower City Fellowship Convention in Rochester New York. March 3-5 2023 - FCFC registration includes, Friday Night Entertainment, Saturday DJ and Saturday Karaoke. “Not A Glum Lot Players” AA variety show & play Details: https://scast.us/flower
AA Event List: https://scast.us/events
If you have an AA roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out here on the podcast and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree and click "Submit An AA Event". Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Sober Cast has 2100+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Moshe K got sober in 1994 at 15 years old (NSFW)
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Moshe K from Oakland CA got sober in 1994 at 15 years old, he is a very funny guy, he is telling his story at the Danville Diablo Groups speaker meeting in Danville CA in February of 2009. This is a repost from early 2019. NSFW
He is also the author of the book: Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict - Criminal - Mental Patient and Then Turned 16
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Sober Cast has 2000+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Monday Oct 31, 2022
K.C. R. - Sober at 16 NSFW
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
K.C. R. gives a great talk at an unknown ICYPAA convention, she is an excellent speaker who "does well in institutions" "We have discovered a common solution, a way out on which we can absolutely agree" NSFW Repost from early 2017
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
Freedom Trail Conference of AA: Jan 26-29 2023 - Location: Boston MA. An AA conference with Al-Anon participation. This will be a weekend of talks and workshops Details: https://beacongroupaa.com/freedom-trail-conference/
If you have an AA roundup, retreat or convention coming up, we would be happy to give you a shout out and list the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit our Linktree, click "Submit An AA Event" and fill out the short form. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sobercast
Sober Cast has 2000+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search. https://sobercast.com

Monday Aug 22, 2022
ESH: Joshua H from Ontario Canada speaking at a young peoples event in 2006
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Joshua H is from Toronto Ontario Canada he is telling his story at a December of 2006 young peoples event held in Seattle Washington.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1900+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Topic: Sermon On The Mount (YPAA)
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
This is a workshop led by Jim K (he got sober in 1980 at 17 years old) he leads a workshop from WACYPAA15 held in Las Vegas from 2012 on the topic of The Sermon On The Mount, a book written by Emmet Fox and first published in 1935. It is one of the books used by folks in the earliest days of AA before the Big Book was written. Repost
There is some Q & A at the back end of this workshop, some of the comments are difficult to hear...fyi
If you are interested in reading Sermon On The Mount, you can pick up a copy here ( https://amzn.to/2SB5cLT )
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1900+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Multiple Speakers: Brian then Victoria
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Brian is the 10 min opening speaker at this meeting of the North Oakland Open speaker meeting held in Oakland California, after he tells us part of his story we hear from Victoria for the remaining time. Recorded in November of 2018.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1900+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Topic: Life Happens - Multiple Speakers - Young Peoples
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
We have four speakers sharing on the topic of, Life Happens at the 55th Young Peoples ICYPAA Conference held in July of 2013, Im not sure where this was held.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1900+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
ESH: Chase S - Sober 7 Years - Young Peoples
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Chase S sober since 2005 tells his story at the Anniston Young Peoples Mini Roundup held in September of 2012
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1900+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Topic: Most Of Us Were Unwilling (Multiple Speakers)
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
This is a topic meeting on the subject of - Most Of Us Were Unwilling - from a Young Peoples roundup that was held in 1978 in Vancouver Washington at an event called CRYPR. I couldnt find out much more about it, it had a nasty buzz I was able to remove and for such an old recording it is very listenable.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1800+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Big Book: To Employers
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Edward (sober 3 years) does a great job sharing on the Big Book Chapter: To Employers at the Monday Night Bowen Hills Young Peoples meeting held in Brisbane Australia. This was a listener submission sent to me in February but I dont know when it was recorded.
Email: sobercast@gmail.com
Support Sober Cast: https://sobercast.com/donate
We have added a page of meetings that have moved online https://sobercast.com/online-meetings
Sober Cast has 1800+ episodes available, visit SoberCast.com to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.